Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The EDventure Begins!

After months of planning, my first week with teachers was finally here!  The classroom was all set up with snacks, coffee, and flexible seating.  Teachers that hadn't see the room commented about how they liked the setup! In the past, we met in a small conference room for our PD time, so this was a big change for everyone this year.  

Once everyone was settled in with their cups of coffee, the work began.  First, we talked about how important it is that we discover our passion and how we can try to integrate that into our EDventure.  My principal had recommended that we should incorporate  A.J. Juliani's article about finding your passion in this first meeting.  I wanted to make this in a digital format, so I used this Google Doc and Form that I created based on the article.  Teachers really liked the idea about validating their personal passions and interests, but some had difficulty writing ideas to fill the page.  I think the idea behind finding your passion is great, but my execution was not the best way to go about it.  Next time, I will probably just stick to pencil/paper for this one, unless I can think of a better way for teachers to get their thoughts down.  But, overall it was a good way to get the conversation going and finding out the interests that everyone at our school has.

Next, I used PearDeck to create slides to introduce Personalized PD to teachers.  Here is a Google Slides version of the presentation.  This gave the vision that our principal and myself had for what it would look like in terms of what topics to choose and how to make this important decision.  Teachers seemed to be interested in this new format for PD and were discussing what topics they might consider choosing.  Teachers would have 1 week to think about what they would like to learn more about for their first EDventure. 

Google Classroom has been a great way to stay organized and give information to teachers.  I shared the slides about introducing CYOEd (Choose Your Own EDventure) and then also pushed out a copy of this CYOED Itinerary as a copy for each teacher.  The hope was that within that week, teachers could select a topic that would be their focus for CYOEd and get to start the researching the following week.  The itinerary was meant to get everyone thinking about what they would like to learn more about as well as considering how they might like to share what they learn at the end of the semester.  One good question that was brought up was about time; some were concerned that they might need more than the semester to go in depth with their topic.  We discussed that time should not be a limitation...if some topics were more involved, teachers could spend more than a semester working on it.  It really depended on the topic and what the goals were as far as how much time would be needed.  Another great feature of Google Classroom was that as the week went on, I could check in on the CYOEd Itineraries and see what topics were being chosen.  Since the docs are shared in Classroom, our principal and myself had access to open them up.  

I was interested to see what our staff would choose as their focus.  The next week, I was planning on going further into the planning process and introducing the concept of building a PLN.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

A Classroom with No Kids?!

It was finally the first day back to school for students.  After being a classroom teacher for 13 years, I must admit it was strange to not run out to greet my new crew with all of the excitement that the first day brings.  I watched other teachers welcoming their kids to their new grade and soon the doors were closed and all of the fun first day activities were taking place.  But, in room 202, I sat in an eerie silence.  I definitely had mixed feelings about my new role, and missed seeing the excited new faces looking back at me.  But, I was still looking forward to working with our awesome teachers and began working on my next project: a PD survey.  

Screenshot of PersonalizedPD Survey
I was thinking about the varying levels of technology use among our staff, and thought it would be helpful to take a survey to find out the comfort level of each teacher with regards to computer programs and other topics within professional development.  I created this PersonalizedPD Survey to help gauge knowledge and interest levels within each category.  My thinking was that I could use the data to possibly showcase some different programs/resources each week based on each grade level's need.  I also could learn about specific areas of interest for teachers as well as find out what they already feel successful doing and can possibly share with others.  I planned to use this on my first day of Personalized PD with each grade level, which was to begin in just a few weeks (finally!).  

Resources by Category: Screenshot
I was also spending a considerable amount of my time on Twitter, looking for ideas for teachers and for Personalized PD guidance.  I realized that there was SO much to discover as far as great ideas for classroom teachers, new technologies to try out, and incredible resources that were FREE!  I thought, how would I ever remember to share these specific things when the time was right? At first I figured retweeting would suffice, because then I could go back and find it in my profile.  But, this was not an organized method, and after some time, there would be way too much to sort through.  I ended up creating this document, Resources by Category, where each topic would lead to a different Padlet with all of the related resources that I came across.  This would be a living document that teachers could use and also add to as they found relevant information.  Now, when I found something great on Twitter, I would immediately save the link and add it to the appropriate Padlet for easy reference.  This would be a huge project to undertake, but I felt it was well worth the effort to have a place where information could be easily found.  I added this to our Google Classroom and planned to share with teachers at our first Personalized PD session.
Sample of Padlet: Digital Citizenship Resources
The countdown was on!  In just a few short weeks, I would have my own "First Day" with the teachers coming into room 202!